Polyester is Common in Apparel

That soft heathered t-shirt you love? The one that feels like it's perfectly worn? That contains polyester - and, more than likely, "virgin polyester."

At Sustainable Souls, we value using recycled polyester (rPET) in our apparel.

Benefits of Recycled Polyester (rPET)

Reduced Carbon Footprint

A key advantage of rPET is its significantly lower carbon footprint compared to
virgin polyester. According to a study by the textile exchange, rPET production
consumers up to 59% less energy and emits up to 32% fewer greenhouse gasses per
kilogram of fiber produced when compared to virgin polyester. This makes it a
crucial choice in mitigating climate change.

Resource Conservation

Utilizing rPET reduces the demand for virgin petroleum-based resources. Research from the
Ellen MacArthur Foundation indicates that rPET production conserves around 35%
of the energy and 90% of the water required in virgin polyester production. It
also curtails the extraction of finite fossil fuels, preserving these resources
for future generations.

Diverting Waste from Landfills

Recycling polyester diverts plastic waste from landfills and oceans,
addressing the global plastic pollution crisis. A report by the World Economic
Forum highlights that each year, over 300 million tons of plastic are produced,
with a significant portion ending up in our environment. By using rPET, we
contribute to reducing this environmental burden.

Closing the Loop

Research shows that rPET promotes a circular economy. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s
research indicates that recycled polyester is a valuable component of a circular fashion industry, as it can be continuously recycled without compromising its quality. 

Know Your Impact

For items containing rPET, our neck labels share the equivalent of how many plastic water bottles each shirt is made from.

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